Seko Logistics

Seko Logistics API Integrations

Streamline your order fulfillment process with Seko Logistics integration

  • Company
    Seko Logistics
  • Industry
  • SEKO Logistics is an award-winning business that offers complete supply chain solutions for a Global client base.

Integration Overview

Integrate with roseta.io and get all the benefits of bespoke software on a cloud-based platform:

  • Improve logistics and avoid order delays.
  • From new orders to shipping products, now easily manage all your fulfilment and 3PL elements on a single platform.
  • roseta.io works for you 24/7
  • Transfer, translate and transform your data
  • Automate and customise workflows
  • Track your orders, follow your stock updates (this will be technology-related)

Why Choose roseta.io For Your Seko Logistics Integration?

Seko Logistics is a 3PL provider that specialises in transportation, logistics, air and ocean forwarding and warehousing. Streamline your order fulfillment processes and seamlessly integrate SEKO with all your selling channels and softwares, including ERP, eCommerce and Marketplace.
Seko Logistics

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Contact us as we will quickly let you know if we can add your system to the roseta.io platform
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